February 24, 2010

(500) Days of Summer

(500) Days of Summer, 2009

The dude from Third Rock gets it done in a smart, funny, romantically scented comedy. Playing his leading lady - Zooey Deschanel - who pulls off cute bitch with aplomb.

JGL is a seriously good actor (see Mysterious Skin rather than him getting hacked up in Halloween H20) and he carries the audience with him throughout this one.

The lanky guy from Criminal Minds bobs up - but this is a two-hander and both are terrific. Snazzy dance sequence, Temper Trap on the soundtrack and a narrator with a cool voice - how can you go wrong.

Lads - if the girlfriend grabs this one at the video store - use it as leverage to rent District 9 but watch it with her anyway.



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