February 27, 2010

The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element, 1997
On a completely different scale to this reviewer's past work featuring Bruce Willis, the Fifth Element is a resounding success.

Luc Besson's vivd glimpse of a future comes fully equipped with George Jetson like flying cars, whizz-bang healing tubes and a memorable voyage into the world of blue alien opera.

Corban Dallas (Willis) is a ultra-washed up military man spending his days in the taxi industry when destiny comes a callin' in the very pleasant shape of all thats powerful and good in the world Milla Jovovich. And wouldn't you know it, Corban and the smoldering Serbian hit it off in a race against the clock battle to save humanity against complete Evil, epitomised by the superbly goulish Zorg (Gary Oldman).

The highlight to this movie, however, comes in the form of Rush Hour's own comic star Chris Tucker who plays the outrageous philandering radio presenter Ruby Rhod who makes Prince look shy and intraverted. Please check this movie out if only for this reason. Please.

While the Fifth Element was never destined for critical acclaim, it sits handsomely alongside other favourites in many DVD collections. This is an innovatively shot movie with a killer score that sees Willis win over many fans as the chain smoking hard ass.

Did I mention Jovovich looks fit dressed only in bandages? and just a tip - I'm not referring to tutankhamun like attire

Hilarious fun.



1 comment:

  1. Great review Midbus....a movie I have not seen for a long time. Also stars Garden State's Ian Holm. Terrific actor.
