Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Bill Paxton and Sam Elliot
Tombstone is the story of legendary law maker Wyatt Earp and the infamous battle of the O.K Coral in Tombstone.
The movie starts with Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell, Backdraft) arriving is Arizona to start a new life with his brothers Virgil (Sam Elliot, Road House) and Morgan (Bill Paxton, A Simple Plan) along with their wives. Wyatt has retired from law enforcement and just wants to settle down and become rich. Also tagging along with Earps is Wyatts good friend John 'Doc' Holliday (Val Kilmer, The Doors) who is a well known gambler and gunfighter.
When the local marshall is killed by the leader of a gang known as the Cowboys Curly Bill Brocius (Powers Booth, Rapid Fire) arguments begin to brew with earps and holliday. Due to the lack of law in Tombstone Virgil becomes town marshall with Morgan as his deputy. With the arguments getting worse with the cowboys Virgil requests the help of Wyatt and Doc Holliday to help him and Morgan disarm 5 Cowboys at the O.K Coral resulting in the infamous gunfight and the death of 4 cowboys.
The result from the deaths at the O.K coral the cowboys fight back causing grief in the earp family. After the attacks on the Earp family Wyatt, Holliday and few loyal companions set out to finish the cow boys once and for all. After the death of Curly Bill the cow boys are now led by Johnny Ringo (Michael Biehn, Navy Seals).
Tombstone ends with Wyatt avenging his family and living happily ever after.
It is always difficult when movies are based around true events. Who knows what really happened at the shoot out at the O.K Coral but I believe Tombstone depicts it perfectly. Russell plays the famous law man very well but the most outstanding role goes to Kilmer as Doc Holliday
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